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Saturday, May 14, 2022

HC-42 BLE 5 Serial Port Communication Module

The HC-42 Bluetooth serial communication module is a new generation of data transmission module based on Bluetooth Specification V5.0 BLE Bluetooth protocol. It can be set using AT Command.

User Manual for HC-42 Bluetooth Serial Port Module

Connection between HC-42 and FTDI232 (USB to serial UART adapter)

				connect to host computer
				(Raspberry Pi)
	+-------------+		+-------------+
        |HC-42        |		| FTDI232     |
	|             |		| (VCC=3.3V)  |
	|             |		|             |
	|             |		|             |
	|             |		|             |
	|             |		|             |
	| S           |		|             |
	| T           |		|             |
	| A R T G V K |		| D     V C G |
	| T X X N C E |		| T R T C T N |
	| E D D D C Y |		| R X X C S D |
	+-------------+		+-------------+
	    | | | |                 | | |   |
	    | | | +-----------------|-|-+   |
	    | | +-------------------|-|-----+
	    | +---------------------+ |                         

BLE UART communication between ESP32-S3 (arduino-esp32) and HC-42 BLE Module

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