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Sunday, October 17, 2021

Identify ESP chip and flash using esptool

Here to identify ESP chip and flash using

First, you have to identify the USB port connect to ESP. In Linux/Raspberry Pi

- Before connect your ESP device to USB, run following command to clear dmesg buffer:

$ sudo dmesg -c

- Connect your ESP32 device to USB, and then run dmesg:

$ dmesg

-  You will find some like "cp210x converter now attached to ttyUSB0". Where /dev/ttyUSB0 is the USB port connected to ESP device.

TO Read Chip ID, enter the command:

$ --chip auto --port /dev/ttyUSB0 chip_id
TO read SPI flash manufacturer and device ID, enter the command:
$ --chip auto --port /dev/ttyUSB0 flash_id
Here is the output for ESP32-DevKitC V4 with ESP32-D0WD-V3 (revision 3) chip and 8MB flash.

ESP8266 with ESP8266EX chip and 4MB flash.

ESP32-S2-Saola-1 with ESP32-S2 chip and 4MB flash.

ESP32-C3-DevKitM-1 with unknown ESP32-C3 (revision 3) and 4MB flash.

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